Sourcing The Fire | Current Adult Vision Fast Offerings

July 5 -12, 2025 - Adult Vision Fast
This fast will take place on the beautiful private land of the Friends Wilderness Center, located near Harpers Ferry, WV. Arrival will be 9AM on the 5th. We will close the ceremony around mid-day on July 12th.
As preparation, we ask that you please write a letter of intent regarding your reasons for wanting to participate in the ceremony, and your intentions. What is calling you to fast? Where are you in your life? Are you at the beginning or end of something, or are you in transition? What is it that you wish to mark, or celebrate as true for you? How are your relationships with friends, family, and yourself? What do you dream for yourself as you look into the future? This letter is an excellent preparation tool, and will assist you in finding clarity. We will also spend a considerable amount of time working with your intention in the days before you fast. For more information on the ceremony, please click here, or visit the Vision Fast link at the bottom of this page. You will be taken to a page outlining the fast in more detail.
In an effort to keep this experience accessible we have changed our pay structure to a donation based form. We trust that people will donate what they feel is both appropriate, and an amount that corresponds with what they can afford to give based on their financial circumstances. We ask for an initial $300 non-refundable deposit due when you commit to the fast, and a donation between $300 and $800 before or after your participation. The donation money can be brought along and given on the fast, or sent in afterwards. These donations pay primarily for insurance, some shared camping equipment, and a small stipend for the guides. If your ability to pay will truly present a hardship, then please let us know and we can work something out.
There is also a camping fee of 10 dollars per day, which goes towards the Friends Wilderness Center who's land we graciously use for this event.
Cooking supplies will be provided, but no provisions will be made for meals or camping equipment. The group limit is set at 12 fasters, with 4 being the minimum to make it run. Spots will be filled on a first come first serve basis, based on payment received.
Please contact Bryan Bieniek via email:
bryan@outdoortherapeutics.com, or phone: 443.613.4470 to check availability, and to touch base with any questions or concerns.